
Recycled plastic material

Long ago(in 1862 to be precise) first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes.But even Parkes wouldn't have imagined the different ways in which plastic has become a part of day to day life. Everything that was big and bulky was replaced by light and richly colored plastic.Being a cheap,throwaway substance plastic found many applications like bags,water bottles, cups etc.But this wide range of applications has alongwith it ,brought its own set of problems. The Plastic bottles take 700 years before they even begin to decompose in a landfill.Currently there are hundreds of billions of bottles in the landfill with more billions adding up every year.This posses a serious threat to the environment and this problem can only be solved by using recyclable plastic materials like HDPE( High Density Poly Ethylene).Due to this recyclable materials plastic can be used over and over.
HDPE has characteristics like stiffness, strength, toughness, resistance to moisture, permeability to gas. It is used for many packaging applications because it provides excellent moisture barrier properties and chemical resistance.In HDPE Film form it is used for snack food packaging and cereal box liners.General uses of HDPE include bread trays, films for grocery sacks, HDPE Milk Bottles and household chemicals and injection-molded beverage cases.
Because of its chemical resistance HDPE has many applications in industrial sector as well.

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