
The Zen of Blogging-an ebook every blogger should read

Why do bloggers blog?
Thats the million dollar question.For most it is about sharing their ideas,thoughts or just ranting about things they like.For rest it is about making money and to be honest i belong to this group.But this is not as simple as it seems to be.There are just so many factors to consider like choosing the niche ,writing style etc.A new blogger like me looks up to people like Darren or Steve and try to figure out right methods for optimizing blog,increasing visitors.But every one of these established bloggers have their own style and unique way when it comes to this.So till now i was just too confused to get up and running with my blog as i had become unsure even about my niche.There were just too many questions to find answers for.Fortunately i subscribed to problogger last month and i got a real treat in my mailbox today.The article spoke about an ebook from Hunter Nuttall. When i opened it (its free you see) i was pleasantly shocked to see that this ebook wasn't that conventional "make money from blogging" ebook at all. The book answers almost all the important questions a blogger may or may not face in most funny manner i have ever read in this category.
I am quite sure that should he take to full time writing Hunter will be a serious competition to JKR. He has explained most important things like choosing niche,platform,domain names in simplest possible language that one can read this book as bedtime story.
Download the ebook from here

On sixth page he says his "vista with IE7" didn't crash even after opening many pages in tabs at a time. This just proves that he was actually dreaming about all this.

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